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منتدى برامج كريزي

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    Windows Media Player 11 Without WGA

    رئيس المنتدى
    رئيس المنتدى

    الابراج : الميزان
    عدد الرسائل : 1241
    العمر : 37
    تاريخ التسجيل : 02/09/2007
    نقاط : 1189
    السٌّمعَة : 34

    Windows Media Player 11 Without WGA Empty Windows Media Player 11 Without WGA

    مُساهمة من طرف البيطار 19.10.07 21:32

    Windows Media Player 11 is the most recent version of the player, which is available for Windows XP as well as Windows Vista. This new version features many changes. The Media Library no longer presents the media items (such as albums and artists) in a tree-based listing. Rather, on selecting the category in the left panel, the contents will appear on the right, in a graphical manner with thumbnails featuring album art or other art depicting the item—a departure from textual presentation of information. Missing album art can be added directly to the placeholders in the Library itself. Views for Music, Pictures, Video and Recorded TV are separate and can be chosen individually from the navigation bar. Entries for Pictures and Video show their thumbnails. Windows Media Player 11 also includes the Windows Media Format 11 runtime which adds low bitrate support (below 128 kbps for WMA Pro), support for ripping music to WMA Pro 10 and updates the original WMA to version 9.2.

    Other features:
    Stacking - Stacking allows graphical representations of how many albums there are in a specific category or folder. The more items there are, the larger the pile or stack is.
    Word Wheel - Searches and displays results as characters are being entered, without waiting for Enter key to be hit. Results are refined based on further characters that are typed.
    CD Burning - CD Burning now shows a graphical bar showing how much space will be used on the disc.
    URGE - The new music store from Microsoft and MTV networks is integrated with the player.
    Global Status - Global status shows a broad overview of what the player is doing. The information presented includes status information regarding buffering, ripping, burning and synchronization.
    Improved synchronization features for loading content onto PlaysForSure-compatible portable players. WMP 11 supports reverse-synchronization, by which media present on the portable device can be replicated back to the PC.
    Support for ripping audio CDs to WAV format.
    Media Sharing (via Windows Media Connect) allows content (Music, Pictures, Video) to be streamed to and from Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) AV enabled devices such as the Xbox 360 and Roku SoundBridge. This includes DRM protected PlaysForSure content. WMP 11 on Windows Vista can also connect to remote media libraries using this feature; this is not available on the Windows XP version.
    Integrated web-browsing support to browse online music stores.
    Disc spanning splits a burn list onto multiple discs in case the content does not fit on one disc.

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      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو 07.07.24 18:44