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منتدى برامج كريزي

منتدى برامج كريزي

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منتدى برامج كريزي

منتدى برامج كريزي-الاحترام هو اساس تعاملنا والانتماء شعارنا

    برنامج الايزو PowerArchiver Pro 2010 11.50.61

    رئيس المنتدى
    رئيس المنتدى

    الابراج : الميزان
    عدد الرسائل : 1241
    العمر : 37
    تاريخ التسجيل : 02/09/2007
    نقاط : 1189
    السٌّمعَة : 34

    برنامج الايزو  PowerArchiver Pro 2010 11.50.61 Empty برنامج الايزو PowerArchiver Pro 2010 11.50.61

    مُساهمة من طرف البيطار 17.07.09 14:35

    PowerArchiver Pro 2010 11.50.61

    برنامج الايزو  PowerArchiver Pro 2010 11.50.61 Wa4m4m

    PowerArchiver 2010 enables you to create ISO images, either by
    ripping the CD/DVD/BD with Disc Grabber, or directly with files from
    your hard disk.
    With PowerArchiver's Virtual Drive feature, you can
    also mount .ISO images into Windows so they appear like a normal drive
    and you can browse inside.

    PowerArchiver has been downloaded by tens of millions of users
    worldwide. PowerArchiver 2010 offers hundreds of features, yet remains
    easy to use, small and fast. Novice users will find a familiar
    interface complete with tutorial and detailed help, while more
    experienced users can take advantage of full Explorer integration,
    multiple encryption methods and advanced compression algorithms.

    CD/DVD/Blu-ray Burner
    In addition to creating and mounting .ISO images, you can now burn
    archives, images and any files directly from PowerArchiver or via
    Explorer Shell Extensions to a CD, DVD or Blu-ray disc. Once you're
    done, you can verify the burned files to make sure everything was
    burned correctly and without errors.

    Built-in FTP Client
    Save time with PowerArchiver 2010! No longer do you need to open a
    separate file transfer program to upload or download files or archives.
    PowerArchiver 2010 includes a built-in FTP client so you can connect to
    a remote server, view and retrieve files, and easily upload archives or
    the files contained in them.

    Advanced Backup
    PowerArchiver's Backup feature has been expanded to include direct
    CD/DVD/BD burning of your backup archives, 3 possible local
    destionations, 7-Zip compression, detailed logs that can be e-mailed,
    and an advanced built-in scheduler.

    Version 11.50 [July/2009]

    New Features:

    Brand new ZIP Engine:
    * Multicore deflate zip engine, almost 4x faster than single
    core systems on quad core computers.
    * Improved speed of zip compression and extraction on any occassion.
    * Support for LZMA, PPMd, BZIP2 and WAVPACK in ZIP, according to
    latest ZIP standards. Both write and read support, making PowerArchiver
    only application that supports
    Winzip 12 and earlier files, while providing
    faster and stronger compression (up to 4x) compared to WinZip 12.
    * Full support for new .zipx extension for advanced compression methods.
    * Multicore LZMA engine for ZIP.
    * Support for Unicode in ZIP, both read and write. Implemented throughout
    * Faster loading of archives with thousands of files.

    Windows 7:
    * Full Windows 7 support with jump lists, taskbar progress and taskbar
    icon overlays. First archiver to do so.
    * First application with new DirectSkin 6.0 engine that supports
    Windows 7 (32bit).

    PA Shell Extensions 2.0:
    * Added Extract MRU shell extensions.
    * Added Compress to MRU zip shell extensions.
    * Added FTP profiles in shell extensions, ftp directly to selected
    account via shell.

    Backup Improvements:
    * Moved backup to standalone application for easier handling, faster load
    * You can add multiple folders in backup filelist.
    * Considerably faster zip backup when handling 10,000+ files.
    * Better info on files/folders in file list (number/size).
    * Fixed major issue with 7-Zip backups and larger number of files.

    * RAR optimizations - up to 20% faster RAR extraction than before,
    including WinRar. Faster unrar engine on the market.
    * Faster compression - "Preparing compression" stage up to 10x faster both
    in main PA and PA Backup for all compression formats.
    * Interface improvements in Modern interface - faster and better looking.
    * Interface improvements in Classic interface - more MRU's, more usable.
    * New Add window in main Powerarchiver, most usable options are now shown
    on first screen.
    * You can now select multiple folders in all folder selection windows
    (backup, tools, etc).
    * Optimized 7-Zip's Optimized compression - Ultra and Max feature stronger
    compression now.
    * Added New Folder and Network buttons in Add window, improved look of
    other icons.
    * Unicode support for other formats that support unicode in rest of
    PowerArchiver interfaces.
    * Added method property in file list and properties window.
    * Better support for Enterprise installations.
    * Many smaller improvements in Burner and FTP applications.
    * Other smaller improvements throughout the rest of application.

    برنامج الايزو  PowerArchiver Pro 2010 11.50.61 Z2download1

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      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو 07.07.24 19:02