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منتدى برامج كريزي

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    برنامج هام للشركات Acronis True Image Echo Server with Universal Restore

    رئيس المنتدى
    رئيس المنتدى

    الابراج : الميزان
    عدد الرسائل : 1241
    العمر : 37
    تاريخ التسجيل : 02/09/2007
    نقاط : 1189
    السٌّمعَة : 34

    برنامج هام للشركات Acronis True Image Echo Server with Universal Restore Empty برنامج هام للشركات Acronis True Image Echo Server with Universal Restore

    مُساهمة من طرف البيطار 05.07.09 16:57

    Acronis True Image Echo Server with Universal Restore 9.7.8353

    برنامج هام للشركات Acronis True Image Echo Server with Universal Restore AcronisTrueImageEchoServer_wm

    برنامج هام للشركات Acronis True Image Echo Server with Universal Restore 790425

    disaster recovery and system migration in both physical and virtual
    environments, Acronis®️ True Image Echo Server for Windows delivers
    greater flexibility and value for SMBs and the Remote Office / Branch
    Are you running an organization with mission-critical
    Microsoft®️ Windows®️ servers in one location and limited IT staff? How
    much business would you lose if these servers went down? Acronis®️ True
    Image Echo™️ Server for Windows provides comprehensive system protection
    and recovery of Windows servers and allows you to get back to business
    and minimize downtime. Acronis True Image Echo Server for Windows
    allows you to create an exact Windows server disk image, including the
    operating system, databases, and applications; Migrate your systems
    between any virtual and physical servers quickly and easily.

    a system crash Acronis True Image Echo Server for Windows allows you to
    perform an entire server restore in just minutes, not hours or days.
    Complete system restoration can be performed to an existing system or
    to a new system with different hardware, as well as to a virtual
    server. Based on exclusive Acronis Drive Snapshot technology, Acronis
    True Image Echo Server for Windows allows you to create backups without
    interrupting server operations, providing 24 x 7 x 365 availability.

    Add-ons / Acronis®️ Universal Restore
    Universal Restore allows you to restore to different hardware or to a
    virtual machine, providing complete disaster recovery. Acronis®️
    Universal Restore prepares you for even the most unforeseen events.
    With Acronis Universal Restore, complete system recovery can be
    accomplished from an image, with no reinstallation of the operating
    system, applications or any reconfigurations or individual files and
    folders restored. Since Acronis True Image Echo Enterprise Server
    creates a transportable image that disassociates the data from the
    underlying hardware, recovery can be implemented to an existing system,
    to a new system with different hardware, or to a virtual server.

    You can restore an image to a new system in 5 easy steps:
    • Step 1: Boot your replacement system with the bootable media you created and select recovery in the Acronis®️ True Image menu
    • Step 2: Select the image to restore and the Acronis®️ Universal Restore option
    • Step 3: Acronis®️ Universal Restore initiates the restore process
    • Step 4: Acronis®️ Universal Restore detects the hardware and installs drivers
    • Step 5: The machine reboots

    Key features:

    » Restore an entire Windows server in minutes after any unforeseen event
    » Acronis Universal Restore — restore to different hardware or to a virtual server
    » Backup image encryption
    » Multi-volume snapshots — Permits you to back up data located on multiple volumes
    » Convert image files to VMDK or VHD for instant virtualization
    » Dynamic disk support
    » Wider hardware compatibility, including SAS drives support
    » Improved Scheduling and Notifications
    » Mount images in read/write mode and apply changes directly
    » Boot from an image using Acronis®️ Active Restore
    » Enhanced database support
    » Automatic image verification
    » Differential backups — Decrease the number of backups you manage
    » File- and folder-based backups
    » Exclude files from backups
    » Windows Event Log and SNMP support
    » Custom scripts before/after backups
    » Throttling to control hard disk write speed and network bandwidth usage
    » Create CDs with bootable images, PXE packages, and bootable recovery media ISOs

    Size : 187 MB

    برنامج هام للشركات Acronis True Image Echo Server with Universal Restore 526259

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    برنامج هام للشركات Acronis True Image Echo Server with Universal Restore 57311

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو 04.07.24 23:35